Hemp Foods Australia is based outside of Byron Bay (NSW) manufacturing Australia's best organic hemp products. Hemp Protein Powder contains all the amino acids in great proportions and as well as being voted the best raw protein, it is the best gluten free, vegan protein and plant based protein known to man.
This organic protein powder is made by cold-pressing whole hemp seeds which separates the seed from the oil. A very fine powder is then created by cold-milling and then sieving (physical separation), a natural process that does not use heat, chemicals or solvents. This is a true protein powder, nutritious and full of amino acids.
Hemp protein powder has a mild flavour that easily blends with many foods. The protein and fibre help slow digestion, prevent spikes in blood sugar, and help the body to sustain energy.
Hemp protein powder can be mixed in with smoothies and shakes, or sprinkled on yogurt, cereal or fruit. Try mixing it into salad dressing, soup stock, burgers, or nut butters. The powder can be used in any baked good, and can replace some of the flour that is used.
Although hemp protein powder is not psychoactive in any form and is legal in nearly every country in the world, please check with laws in your country before using.
Whey protein is not a natural product, and does not promote a sustainable industry. Whey protein may have some benefits, but only if used in moderation. Consuming too much whey protein could put extra strain on kidneys as well as increase body fat.
Many processed foods use soy in their ingredients and studies have shown that the trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may contribute to pancreatic disorder. Soy also increases the body’s requirements for vitamins B12 and D.
Hemp contains a higher content of essential amino acids than either whey or soy and has a higher rate of digestibility, thereby allowing the body to use it more efficiently.
It contains all the essential amino acids in great quantities. An important aspect of hemp seed protein is a high content of arginine (97mg/g protein) and histidine (23 mg/g protein), both of which are important for growth during childhood, and of the sulfur containing amino acids Methionine (20 mg/g protein) and cysteine (16 mg/g protein), which are needed for proper enzyme formation. Hemp protein also contains relatively high levels of the branched-chain amino acids that are important for the metabolism of exercising muscle. Hemp protein contains over 61mg/g of protein of Leucine – higher than cashews or chia seeds.
The oil found in hemp seed consists of essential fatty acids that the body is unable to produce on its own. The Omega-3 fatty acid in hemp seed oil lowers blood pressure, reduces inflammation, decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease, and may have an effect on Alzheimer’s disease. The Omega-6 fatty acids help maintain brain functions and bone health, as well as stimulate hair and skin growth.